Piazza Navona & Church of Sant'Agnese in Agone
Piazza Navona Roma Roma
Former ancient stadium converted in a piazza with baroque fountains and churches
Piazza Navona was originally the Stadium of Domitian, which was constructed in the late first century AD. It was later transformed into a piazza.
In the 15th Century, Pope Calixtus III commissioned the Church of Sant'Agnese in Agone. According to tradition, this is the site of the martyrdom of St. Agnes. In the 17th Century, Pope Inncoent X commissioned the baroque remodel of the church by Francesco Borromini and the baroque fountain at the center of the piazza, Fontanta dei Quattro Fiumi.
The fountain was designed by GianLorenzo Bernini, and features representations of the Nile, Danube, Ganges, and Rio del Plata. The square is also known for at times being flooded for celebrations during the baroque period.
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