Church of Saint Marcello al Corso
5 P.za S. Marcello Roma
The church that caught fire
Looking at the church dedicated to Pope Marcellus I, the exterior has a facade with statues of Saint Marcellus and Saint Philip Benzzi in the niches. In 1369 it was given to the Order of the Servants of Mary. Sadly in 1519, the church caught fire and was destroyed. The only remaining piece was a wooden crucifix, which is still in the church today. The rebuilding began shortly after, with many different architects involved. Some of the designs that stand out are of the apse designed by Annibale Lippi, the fresco of The Crucifixion above the entrance opposite the facade by Giovanni Battista Riccifresco, and the Life Monument by Timothy Paul Schmalz.
Mass Times:
Weekdays: 7:30am, 7:00pm
Sunday: 9:30am, 7:00pm, 9:30pm
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