Mamertine Prison - Church of San Giuseppe dei Falegnami
1 Clivo Argentario Roma
Mammertine Prison, Location of Sts. Peter and Paul's Imprisonment
The Church of San GUiseppe dei Falegnam stands on the Mammertine Prison, or Carcer Tullianum, the oldest prison in Rome, built by King Ancus Marcius in the 7th century BC. Made up of two superimposed rooms, the monument housed the ancient Church of San Pietro in Carcere, where, according to legend, the apostles Peter and Paul were locked up before suffering martyrdom; in 1540, the place was rented to the Archconfraternity of Carpenters.
In 2018, the ceiling of the church collapsed with the Archconfraternity of Carpenters celebrating their first mass after restorations in 2021.
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Information - San Giuseppe dei Falegnami
Hours and Information - Marmertine Prison