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Basilica of St. Clare
1 P.za Santa Chiara Assisi
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Basilica Dedicated to and Containing the Major Relics of St. Clare of Assisi
The Basilica was built next to the ancient Church of San Giorgio, the site of the first burial of both Sts. Francis and Clare. The construction of the Basilica and Monastery began in 1257, two years after the canonization of St. Clare.
The body of St. Clare is place under the high alter. Upon entering the church, from the right side of the nave is the Chapel of Saint George. Here is kept the precious Crucifix which spoke to the young St. Francis in the church of San Damiano.
From the stairs, located at the level of the second span of the Basilica, one may access the crypt where the mortal remains of St. Clare are venerated.